Sample Surveys

Aircrew - Aircrew Safety Survey

  • Pilots
  • Weapon Systems Operators
  • Loadmasters
- Surveys Aircrew regarding perceptions of safety culture in the operating environment.

Engineering - Engineering Safety Survey

  • Aircraft Engineering
  • Weapon Systems
  • Electrician
  • Workshops
  • Survival Equipment
  • Vehicle and Mechanical Equipment
  • Communications Infrastructure
  • ICT Equipment
- Surveys engineering and technical personnel regarding perceptions of safety culture in their work environment.

Support Services - Support Services Personnel Safety Survey

  • Chaplain
  • Legal
  • Musician
  • Personnel
  • Physical Training
  • Dental
  • Environmental Health
  • Health and Safety
  • Medical
  • Catering and hospitality
  • Logistics
  • Firefighter
  • RAF Police
  • RAF Regiment
  • Photography
- Surveys personnel in the wider support roles regarding perceptions of safety culture in their work environment.

Air Operations Support - Air Operations Support Safety Survey

  • Flight Operations
  • Air Cartography
  • Meteorology
  • Air Traffic Control
  • Aerospace Battle Management
  • Intelligence
- Surveys Space & BM Fce, ATC, Fighter Controller, Aircraft Controller, Air Ops and Int personnel regarding perceptions of safety culture in their work environment.

HQ/Executive - HQ/Executive Survey

HQ Personnel - Surveys Higher Headquarters personnel regarding perceptions of safety culture in the operating environment.

JAC HQ Air Safety - JAC HQ Air Safety Survey

HQ Personnel - Surveys Higher Headquarters personnel regarding perceptions of safety culture in the operating environment.

Medium UAS RPAS - Medium UAS RPAS Survey

  • Pilots
  • Weapon Systems Operators
  • Loadmasters
- Surveys Medium UAS RPAS operators regarding perceptions of safety culture in the operating environment.